- Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku is..
- The center of the Japanese economy.
- Many tall buildings.
- In the middle of many buildings..
- There is no building here.
- Is that a park?
- House?
- Here is the Kubizuka of TAIRA no Masakado.
- He changes the economy of Japan?
- What did he do?
- 1,000 years ago in Heiankyo Era.
- He outbraved the national power.
- He was going to let..
- the Kanto district(East Japan) become independent.
- Did he succeed?
- He failed.
- He was sentenced to death in Kyoto.
- The head of a body that has been decapitated..
- was displayed.
- He was regretful.
- His head flew in the sky.
- and landing here.
- Wow!
- There are a lot of fall spots of the head.
- Here is the most famous.
- I can't believe it.
- It is a legend.
- He was loved by the people.
- Someboby went back with his head..
- And, connected head with a body on here.
- It is left so far.
- Has it not been broken?
- It was broken by the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923.
- They built a temporary Government building..
- of the Ministry of Finance.
- However, an unidentified disease was prevalent.
- The person concerned died more than ten people.
- I'm scared.
- The Minister of Finance is unconscious.
- They rebuilt Masakado mound.
- So was it over?
- 17 years later.
- A Government building is reduced to ashes by a thunderbolt.
- World War 2 is over in 1945.
- GHQ was going to readjust the division of here.
- A worker died.
- What happened?
- Curse of Masakado?
- He is a hero forever.
- There is him in the heart of people.
- The people tie a cause to him.
- Is there the historic spot of Masakado elsewhere?
- Do you know Kanda Myojin?
Related spot
- Kanda Myojin
This Shinto shrine was built on Kubizuka of TAIRA no Masakado. Ieyasu Tokugawa moved it here. - Tsukudo Shinto Shrine
Somebody covered Masakado's head here. Masakado and Michizane Sugawara are worshiped here. - Kabuto Shinto shrine
There is the Tokyo Stock Exchange near. This is the god of stock exchange. - Yoroi Shinto shrine
Hidesato Fujiwara killed Masakado Taira. Afterwards He got sick. He buried Masakado's armor here.